Teaching and writing materials for migrant learners in Australia
Picture of Tori Wilson and her new LinkedIn group on Trauma-informed language teaching

When Victoria (Tori) Wilson invited me to join the ‘Trauma-informed adult TESOL International special interest group’ on LinkedIn, I knew I had to interview her, to find out more. I was not disappointed…this interview is long, but so worth your time. Tori, what got you interested in this area? I started teaching ELICOS at University of Southern Queensland (USQ) in … Continue reading


I just got home from Greece after a term away: I had three amazing weeks exploring and the rest teaching English as a volunteer in Athens. Other teachers have asked me about this, and I wanted to write about it. However, there are dozens of little agencies helping migrants/displaced people across Europe – all very different, and working in different … Continue reading

2017 Dec 07

Living well with Hepatitis B: a chat with Elene Claire

Elene Claire with the new resource, Living Well with Hepatitis B

I didn’t even know about this new ESOL resource set, Living Well with Hepatitis B, until I saw it at the recent QATESOL/QCAL conference – in fact I chose it when I won a door prize! I always love ELT readers, and the one in this set is very charming, with four short stories about people with Hepatitis B – … Continue reading

Encounters on the Front Line book cover by Elaine Harvey

This time it’s not a new ELT resource that I’ve found, but a book that has huge resonance for me: a ‘return to Cambodia’ memoir, by Elaine Harvey, a nurse who worked for the Red Cross in Thai/Cambodian border refugee camps in 1980, when conditions were volatile and deeply confronting: the camp would be shelled at night and the medical staff would drive … Continue reading

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