Teaching and writing materials for migrant learners in Australia

My books


I’ve been writing ESL materials for over 20 years; some you probably won’t find in bookshops or libraries, as they were part of materials projects for the Adult Migrant English Program. I was part of the writing team on series like It’s Over To You, Let’s Participate and Get Wise.

Books you may find:

The English Chip ESL E-book

ESL Easy Reads: look online (from e-booksellers) for these e-books




The Garage Sale ESL Extra CoverESL Extras:
in your local language bookshop or library: six readers and teacher guides now available, from Prelim to Post-beginner level


Readers from other publishersThe Well (Macmillan reader) : The Well and The Umbrella (Macmillan) in your local language bookshop or library – you’ll also find titles from NCELTR in the library, though they’re no longer for sale.



SpellingworksSpellingWorks: (written with Maureen Hague) is out of print, but is now FREE to download online (with big thanks to our publisher and illustrator).

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