Work with me: ClearWrite
Could I help you with a writing project?
When I’m not immersed in my own writing and publishing, I help other writers, would-be writers, and organisations, under my consulting business name, ClearWrite.
Over the last 20+ years, I’ve had experience in:
- Creating induction or training manuals.
- Designing online or self-study courses.
- Supporting other writers (or professionals in other areas) to structure and edit articles, book chapters, inspirational writing, or memoir.
- Coaching people who don’t see themselves as writers, but who need to (or want to) write.
- Rewriting material that needs a simpler level of English.
- Editing and proof-reading.
I love working collaboratively. My favourite editing project ever was working with all the contributors to 100 Dolls: Countless Hearts for the Uthando Project. (I’m not responsible for the gorgeous cover!)