Teaching and writing materials for migrant learners in Australia
2024 Nov 27

Writing from your own migrant heritage: thoughts and tips from Lauren Piovesan

Introduction to article

I interviewed Lauren Piovesan about her ESL Reads project back in 2022 and 2023.  As always, it’s so exciting to have Australian resources written for multilingual learners. However, this time I wanted to talk about how her own family’s migrant experience had informed her writing of EAL/D resources – like her latest reading book, ‘Linda’s Busy Week’. I also asked … Continue reading

2023 Sep 05

What’s new at ESL Reads? An interview with Lauren Piovesan

Lauren Piovesan ESL reads

How things change! Back in March 2022 I talked to Lauren Piovesan about her new readers. The stories offered terrific cultural and language support for learners with low literacy / refugee background, at four reading levels. She had so many plans and goals for her ESL Reads project, and such a lot has happened since then, including an expansion of her … Continue reading

2019 Jul 03

Workwise English Quizzes: some more ‘extra’ English

Cover for Workwise English Quizzes

Workwise English Quizzes: mp4 videos on USB The latest ‘ESL Extras’ product isn’t a book – it’s Workwise English Quizzes. This is a set of 20 short quizzes – created as Keynote slideshows, then saved as mp4 videos. The questions all have a ‘workwise’ context, though they’re also ‘useful English’ for any new arrival. To give students enough reading and discussion … Continue reading

Rosalie (standing) and the Reading Circle participants in the library

I love the idea of ‘Book Club’ for English language learners, but I know that joining a mainstream book club is a long way off for many new arrivals. So I was excited to hear that Rosalie Foss had written a whole dissertation on the concept of EAL/D book clubs in public libraries, and run a pilot program at the … Continue reading

THIS POST IS OUT OF DATE: UPDATED IN NOV 2023!   In my last interview with Natalie Nawrocki  (Kim Loves Life) I thought how great it was to be able to say, ‘This is a free ESL resource’. Now I know as well as you do that I can search online for ‘free ESL resources’ and find a gazillion worksheets. … Continue reading

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