Teaching and writing materials for migrant learners in Australia
2023 Sep 05

What’s new at ESL Reads? An interview with Lauren Piovesan

Lauren Piovesan ESL reads

How things change! Back in March 2022 I talked to Lauren Piovesan about her new readers. The stories offered terrific cultural and language support for learners with low literacy / refugee background, at four reading levels. She had so many plans and goals for her ESL Reads project, and such a lot has happened since then, including an expansion of her … Continue reading

2019 Jul 03

Workwise English Quizzes: some more ‘extra’ English

Cover for Workwise English Quizzes

Workwise English Quizzes: mp4 videos on USB The latest ‘ESL Extras’ product isn’t a book – it’s Workwise English Quizzes. This is a set of 20 short quizzes – created as Keynote slideshows, then saved as mp4 videos. The questions all have a ‘workwise’ context, though they’re also ‘useful English’ for any new arrival. To give students enough reading and discussion … Continue reading

Rosalie (standing) and the Reading Circle participants in the library

I love the idea of ‘Book Club’ for English language learners, but I know that joining a mainstream book club is a long way off for many new arrivals. So I was excited to hear that Rosalie Foss had written a whole dissertation on the concept of EAL/D book clubs in public libraries, and run a pilot program at the … Continue reading

THIS POST IS OUT OF DATE: UPDATED IN NOV 2023!   In my last interview with Natalie Nawrocki  (Kim Loves Life) I thought how great it was to be able to say, ‘This is a free ESL resource’. Now I know as well as you do that I can search online for ‘free ESL resources’ and find a gazillion worksheets. … Continue reading

2017 Dec 07

Living well with Hepatitis B: a chat with Elene Claire

Elene Claire with the new resource, Living Well with Hepatitis B

I didn’t even know about this new ESOL resource set, Living Well with Hepatitis B, until I saw it at the recent QATESOL/QCAL conference – in fact I chose it when I won a door prize! I always love ELT readers, and the one in this set is very charming, with four short stories about people with Hepatitis B – … Continue reading

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