Teaching and writing materials for migrant learners in Australia
2023 Nov 05

Australian EAL resources: What’s free? (an update)

Free Australian EAL resources 2023

I just answered an email enquiry about free resources – and realised that my last post on this topic was 5 years ago… oops. So I’ll do a quick update, and I hope you’ll let me know if I’ve missed anything. Of course, there are gazillions of ‘free ESL worksheets’ online, but I’m sticking to Australian resources aimed at adult … Continue reading

2023 Sep 05

What’s new at ESL Reads? An interview with Lauren Piovesan

Lauren Piovesan ESL reads

How things change! Back in March 2022 I talked to Lauren Piovesan about her new readers. The stories offered terrific cultural and language support for learners with low literacy / refugee background, at four reading levels. She had so many plans and goals for her ESL Reads project, and such a lot has happened since then, including an expansion of her … Continue reading

2023 May 17

The Initial EAL Workbook: An interview with author Assunta Crupi-Pogliano

Assunta Crupi-Pogliano has just launched her resource, The Initial EAL Workbook, designed for learners doing the Course in Initial EAL, and coming to grips with learning and with literacy. It’s an amazing 205 page book – that’s 195 pages of worksheets, covering all 67 of the performance criteria in the six units of the Course in Initial EAL. It features charming … Continue reading

2022 Mar 23

English for Swimming: a free (and fabulous) resource

Michelle Cowans and the English for Swimming book

English for Swimming! You’ve hopefully already seen the free-to-download resource, or read about Michelle Cowan’s work at Navitas Skilled Futures, creating an English for Swimming Program that anyone can use. It’s so accessible and appealing and the program was highly commended in the 2020 NSW Humanitarian Awards…and I was fortunate enough to be able to ask Michelle some questions about … Continue reading

2022 Feb 12

PRACE Pageturners: an interview with Anne Dunn

the three Pageturners writers with their work

I have my own set of ‘yellow Pageturners’, which I love so much – and of course we have all the colours in our college library. They are genuinely funny, they make me want to keep reading…and yet they’re so simple and accessible. So I was excited to be able to ask Anne Dunn, one of the team, some questions: … Continue reading

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