Teaching and writing materials for migrant learners in Australia
2023 Nov 05

Australian EAL resources: What’s free? (an update)

Free Australian EAL resources 2023

I just answered an email enquiry about free resources – and realised that my last post on this topic was 5 years ago… oops. So I’ll do a quick update, and I hope you’ll let me know if I’ve missed anything. Of course, there are gazillions of ‘free ESL worksheets’ online, but I’m sticking to Australian resources aimed at adult … Continue reading

2023 Sep 05

What’s new at ESL Reads? An interview with Lauren Piovesan

Lauren Piovesan ESL reads

How things change! Back in March 2022 I talked to Lauren Piovesan about her new readers. The stories offered terrific cultural and language support for learners with low literacy / refugee background, at four reading levels. She had so many plans and goals for her ESL Reads project, and such a lot has happened since then, including an expansion of her … Continue reading

2017 Sep 02

Wandering Girl worksheets are back!

A big thanks here to ‘Samantha’, who got in touch to ask if she could have access to the Wandering Girl worksheets. I was puzzled, because I knew they were right here, on the site… until I checked myself and found out that the links were broken. Oops. So now the worksheets are back, and you can download them here. … Continue reading

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