Wandering Girl by Glenyse WardA big thanks here to ‘Samantha’, who got in touch to ask if she could have access to the Wandering Girl worksheets. I was puzzled, because I knew they were right here, on the site… until I checked myself and found out that the links were broken. Oops.

So now the worksheets are back, and you can download them here.



Wandering Girl: a modern classic

The worksheets are for the 2002 adaptation I did of Glenyse Ward’s classic book about her mission childhood. I wanted to make her story more accessible for migrant learners; she was so lovely in agreeing to that, and then NCELTR published it. (NCELTR, in case you didn’t know, was the National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research at Macquarie Uni, which, amongst other things, published so many resources.)

Then the WA School of Isolated and Distance Education got in touch. They planned to use the adaptation with Indigenous learners, some of whom might speak English as a second, third or fourth language – and they needed worksheets!  So they provided a template, and I created worksheets, which were then made available on the NCELTR site.

When NCELTR stopped publishing resources, the worksheets disappeared, so I had them reformatted with a more up-todate look, and they’re here – or at least they are now…

Please let me know if you have any problems! If you’re trying to find the Wandering Girl reader, the local library might be a good place to try.

Other free-to-download resources

On this site: SpellingWorks (a workbook of spelling strategies, written with Maureen Hague).

On The Book Next Door site, My Job is the Best (a free Beginner Level reader with activities).

I’ve also got a list of resources, on my Info for Teachers page, but I suspect it needs updating…for example to include the very useful Lily the Volunteer resources developed by AMES Victoria.

Please let me know if you discover more…