Teaching and writing materials for migrant learners in Australia
Picture of Tori Wilson and her new LinkedIn group on Trauma-informed language teaching

When Victoria (Tori) Wilson invited me to join the ‘Trauma-informed adult TESOL International special interest group’ on LinkedIn, I knew I had to interview her, to find out more. I was not disappointed…this interview is long, but so worth your time. Tori, what got you interested in this area? I started teaching ELICOS at University of Southern Queensland (USQ) in … Continue reading

2018 Nov 12

Reflections on being a language learner

Sign in Greek

I wrote last time about my experience of volunteering in Greece; part of the excitement was living in a country with an unfamiliar language AND script. I knew I wouldn’t learn much Greek, but was hoping to put myself in the position of  some of my learners, when they encounter the English script for the first time. Of course, in some … Continue reading

2016 Jul 28

SpellingWorks – now online

Interested in spelling? It’s a while since Maureen Hague and I wrote a book called Spellingworks for Heinemann Australia – so long that it’s gone out of print. Hooray for the publisher (now Pearson), however – and for the artist, Shane Nagle – and for the publishers who have tiny extracts of their books somewhere on a page – they … Continue reading

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