Teaching and writing materials for migrant learners in Australia
2022 Feb 12

PRACE Pageturners: an interview with Anne Dunn

the three Pageturners writers with their work

I have my own set of ‘yellow Pageturners’, which I love so much – and of course we have all the colours in our college library. They are genuinely funny, they make me want to keep reading…and yet they’re so simple and accessible. So I was excited to be able to ask Anne Dunn, one of the team, some questions: … Continue reading

Rosalie (standing) and the Reading Circle participants in the library

I love the idea of ‘Book Club’ for English language learners, but I know that joining a mainstream book club is a long way off for many new arrivals. So I was excited to hear that Rosalie Foss had written a whole dissertation on the concept of EAL/D book clubs in public libraries, and run a pilot program at the … Continue reading

2019 Jan 28

Reading for ‘fun’ – and some free-for-now e-books

Summer reading special

Summer reading special – until 28 Feb, three ESL Easy-Read e-books are free to download – and I’ve just finished some Book Club questions. Continue reading

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