Authentic cross-cultural stories for English language learners: an interview with Claire Kamber
I’m always excited to see reading books that reflect the real-life experience of multilingual learners here in Australia. These stories for high school and young adult students are all about settling in, living a new life in a different environment, while missing parts of the old life…how to find a new sense of belonging. I hadn’t heard of Milpera Publishing, … Continue reading
An interview with myself: Dementia-friendly books
Today I’m going to interview myself wearing my ‘other hat’! I usually post about English language resources, but today I thought I’d write about my other personal passion project, in case you’ve seen the Unforgettable Notes page on my website and wondered what that’s all about… So Clare, who or what is Unforgettable Notes? That’s the pen-name I chose when … Continue reading
Sing with me stories from Urban Lyrebirds
Have you seen the new reading books from Urban Lyrebirds, by Carmel Davies and Sharon Duff? These are the Sing with me stories, a series of 10 reading books, matched to the Sing with me! 1 songs and workbooks. They’re available in paperback and pdf versions, with audio online. Each story is at two levels in the one book, (that’s … Continue reading
ESL Reads for young adult learners: an interview with Lauren Piovesan
New reading books for English language learners! This time they’re digital, ready-to-print books for young adult learners of English, based on author Lauren Piovesan’s work with low literacy, refugee background learners in schools. She’s also been an AMEP volunteer tutor, and you can see her awareness of issues that learners face in her books at Lauren, tell us what … Continue reading
PRACE Pageturners: an interview with Anne Dunn
I have my own set of ‘yellow Pageturners’, which I love so much – and of course we have all the colours in our college library. They are genuinely funny, they make me want to keep reading…and yet they’re so simple and accessible. So I was excited to be able to ask Anne Dunn, one of the team, some questions: … Continue reading