Teaching and writing materials for migrant learners in Australia
2015 Dec 08

A new link for those free reading books: ‘Bad Hair Day’

Bad Hair Day cover

A kind teacher just alerted me to an out of date link…for the lovely ‘Bad Hair Day’ ESOL/EAL reading resources by Karen Barber (who also wrote the Carly and Kumar books). These readers were free on the Central AMEP website, but now I see the link has changed.. UPDATE: It has changed again, and the readers are now on YouTube! There … Continue reading

2014 Aug 31

More Carly and Kumar and ‘catching the reading bug’

Karen Barber with her new book

I finally met up with Karen Slikas Barber and asked about her new book, More Carly and Kumar, from Read Me Again Press. Karen, you’ve got a new set of Carly and Kumar stories out – what inspired you to start writing again? My students were reading the Carly and Kumar stories, saying they were funny, then heading to the library … Continue reading

Meet Karen Slikas Barber, author of Carly and Kumar (Read Me Again Press, 2013). Karen, tell us about Carly and Kumar – your short stories about Carly and her housemate Kumar. You were inspired by George and Nina and Jeff and Lisa, right? That’s right. I was working with a multi-level class, and they enjoyed stories that were funny, short, … Continue reading

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