Teaching and writing materials for migrant learners in Australia
2023 Feb 07

An Australian ESL Grammar Workbook: Book 3 from Helga Burry

Book 3 of Helga Burry's series Let's Connect: An Australian ESL Grammar Workbook

In this blog post I interview Helga Burry, as the third book in her Let’s Connect series is now out! The subtitle is: ‘An Australian ESL Grammar Workbook’, offering carefully scaffolded grammar explanation and practice, with Australian dialogues and content. Big congratulations, Helga! I know how much work has gone into this. Helga, this is the third book. Remind us about … Continue reading

Helga Burry with her new book: Let's Connect: An Australian ESL Grammar Workbook Book 2

Back in 2016, I talked to Helga Burry about her first book: Let’s Connect: An Australian ESL Grammar Workbook.  It’s been a little wait, but at last, Let’s Connect: Book 2 has just come out, so I thought I’d interview Helga and ask her about the new book. (Full disclosure: I saw a draft during her writing process, but only saw … Continue reading

2017 Jun 18

Real Grammar: a chat with Carl Eldridge

In this post, a chat about Real Grammar (out last year) with author Carl Eldridge: Carl, I know you were wanting to create something different from the usual grammar books. What has the reaction been to Real Grammar?

 The reaction has been great. Students tell me they finally understand how grammar works and can now make their own sentences with confidence. Which … Continue reading

2016 Jun 23

Let’s Connect: An Australian Grammar Workbook

Helga Burry with her book, Let's Connect: An Australian ESL Grammar Workbook

Talking to Helga Burry, ESOL grammar book author and grammar enthusiast: I always get excited about new Australian ESOL/EAL resources, and once again, I know the author. I met Helga, who has just published Let’s Connect: An Australian Grammar Workbook, when we taught together in a refugee camp in Thailand, years ago. (The same camp where I met Carmel Davies, from Urban Lyrebirds … Continue reading

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