Teaching and writing materials for migrant learners in Australia
2023 Sep 05

What’s new at ESL Reads? An interview with Lauren Piovesan

Lauren Piovesan ESL reads

How things change! Back in March 2022 I talked to Lauren Piovesan about her new readers. The stories offered terrific cultural and language support for learners with low literacy / refugee background, at four reading levels. She had so many plans and goals for her ESL Reads project, and such a lot has happened since then, including an expansion of her … Continue reading

2022 Mar 16

ESL Reads for young adult learners: an interview with Lauren Piovesan

Lauren Piosevan with her new reading books

New reading books for English language learners! This time they’re digital, ready-to-print books for young adult learners of English, based on author Lauren Piovesan’s work with low literacy, refugee background learners in schools. She’s also been an AMEP volunteer tutor, and you can see her awareness of issues that learners face in her books at eslreads.com Lauren, tell us what … Continue reading

2022 Feb 12

PRACE Pageturners: an interview with Anne Dunn

the three Pageturners writers with their work

I have my own set of ‘yellow Pageturners’, which I love so much – and of course we have all the colours in our college library. They are genuinely funny, they make me want to keep reading…and yet they’re so simple and accessible. So I was excited to be able to ask Anne Dunn, one of the team, some questions: … Continue reading

2020 Mar 09

New Australian EAL readers! May Street Stories…

Carmel Davies with her new books, May Street Stories

In this interview, I talk to Carmel Davies at Urban Lyrebirds about her new Australian reader series, May Street Stories. You may know Carmel’s Sing With Me! books (written with Sharon Duff), or have been to one of their workshops. It’s no surprise that she’s created these lively stories that lead very easily into conversation and roleplay… Carmel, what got you into … Continue reading

2014 Aug 31

More Carly and Kumar and ‘catching the reading bug’

Karen Barber with her new book

I finally met up with Karen Slikas Barber and asked about her new book, More Carly and Kumar, from Read Me Again Press. Karen, you’ve got a new set of Carly and Kumar stories out – what inspired you to start writing again? My students were reading the Carly and Kumar stories, saying they were funny, then heading to the library … Continue reading

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