I’ve been experimenting with video lately – not that I feel very confident about having my face on screen – but there are things that text just can’t do. I want to show people what the books look like, demonstrate how I’d use the Maybe Next Year faces or the Welcome to Hope Street cut-ups, and answer those questions I get asked…
Where I can, I’ll meet up with teachers or tutors to have coffee and chat, but where I can’t…I’m trying YouTube.
I’ve posted about this experiment (the first three videos) on The Book Next Door site, and here’s an example of one of the videos:
(Disclaimer: that is not my own garden, which suffers from all the time spent writing…)
Of course, these videos I’m making now are for teachers, tutors, or librarians… and perhaps that’s a good training ground. Making videos for learners strikes me as much more challenging, because you can’t read the faces in the room and check whether you’re being understood – and because of that missing interactive element.
So – if you have questions you’d like answered – whether in a blog post or video – and they’re something I could probably answer, then please get in touch. On the other hand, if you’re in Perth (or in Mackay for the August QATESOL conference), a coffee is probably much easier…